
Coming Soon!


Important Notice: We’re actively preparing these sections for FC 24. Our goal is to have them fully ready for release by September 29th at the latest. In fact, many areas will be available even sooner! In the meantime, we’ll be sharing live trading tips directly on the Discord Server via the Website Subscriber sections. Make sure you’ve connected your Discord account to your profile; you can do this by clicking the link below:

Update 28th September 2023: We have rolled out the first 4 premium areas: Tier 1 Anchors, Shadows, Hunters & Tier 2 Fluctuations. Other areas are being actively worked on however there may be a slight delay due to the setup being new & improved. Every area goes under a full rebuild. PC areas are ready also however we need to wait for FUTWIZ to begin to actively update their player prices for this platform before we can roll these areas out! 🙂

Update 3rd October 2023: We have rolled out another 2 premium areas: Tier 1 – Icons & SBC Fodder Flips. Other areas are being actively worked on however these builds do take time. We are working as fast as possible to roll out other areas that are currently not available. PC areas are ready also however we need to wait for FUTWIZ still. We have been keeping in touch with them they are just super busy with alot of things at the moment but hopefully they will provide PC prices with more stability as soon as they can 🙂

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Following Roles will be assigned to you in Discord Member

Once you’re inside our Discord server, you’ll automatically get your Discord role when you link your Discord account on your FUT Trading profile. If you need help, feel free to ask questions in channels like #subscriber-chat. You can also stay updated with the latest tips and announcements in #website-announcements.

If you encounter any difficulties while connecting your Discord profile, please don’t hesitate to open a support ticket on our Discord server in the #website-queries channel.

Best of luck with the web app! Don’t forget to explore our free trading guides for more information while you’re here.

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