


Special card is considered one of the most "confusing" trading methods on Ultimate Team however that's far from correct.

Simple Key to what we mean by "Peak" and "Non-Peak" Hours:
- Peak Hours: When the most users are online playing Ultimate Team.
The Peak Hours are typically between 4pm - 8pm UK Time.
- Non-Peak Hours: When the least users are online playing Ultimate Team.
The Non-Peak Hours usually start after 8pm and continue into the late evening UK Time.

The Most Active Days for Ultimate Team are normally Wednesday - Sunday, with Friday & Saturday being the most active days. Remember this when deciding which days to allocate more of your trading time to!


There are 2 main methods for how you can do this:

Method 1: Refer to FUTBIN / FUTWIZ Daily and Hourly Graphs. This method requires a lot of regular checks and is a much slower process.

Method 2: Use our Multi-Platform Website prices which can be found inside of our Tier 1 area. This is the easiest and most time-efficient method.

Using Method 1 is a lot more time-consuming and provides you with data that can be seen by all FIFA users who visit these public websites for pricing history. This means you are competing with every other player/trader on Ultimate Team who is using the same source to gain their knowledge with Pricing History for that Special card.

If you use Method 2 you will be viewing regularly updated data that is monitored and filtered out to identify the data you need to know in that current moment rather than spending minutes analyzing a player's graph etc... It is as simple as typing a name into the search box and the data you need to know is right in front of you!

However, for the players that cannot afford to use the Tier 1 areas, we will show you an example to analyze directly from FUTBIN / FUTWIZ


For this example, we will be analyzing the fluctuation for Bukayo Saka - 86 rated inform using FUTWIZ.
We will be looking to determine the "Low Point", "High Point", "Good Buy Price" and the "Good Sell Price"
To do this we will need to search the player on and find the card we are looking to gather Pricing Data for.

From the Graph image provided, you can filter it by Platform and sort it to either "Daily Graph" or "Hourly Graph".
This information is very helpful to note down or memorize for a player's price fluctuation because you can see how the card has adjusted in value over a 24-48 hour period.

This is beneficial for many reasons:
‣ You can determine if the card fluctuates more compared to other Special cards which means you are open to more profit potential.

‣ Easily identify a "Good Buy Price" & "Good Sell Price" from the past 24 hours pricing history on the market.

Gather a large understanding of how Special cards naturally behave on a day-to-day basis.

You also can view the market sales history for each player! (FUTWIZ website)

Take a look at the graph below where we've highlighted the "Low Point" and "High Point" – these represent the lowest and highest values on the graph.

Highest Values: For your selling target, focus on prices between the "High Point" and the next three highest values from the Hourly graph.

Lowest Values: To target your buying price, aim between the "Low Point" and the next two lowest values from the Hourly graph.

(Don't forget to consider EA Tax when calculating the selling price.)

Did you notice a recurring pattern in this example? The "Low Point" occurred around 7:00 PM UK Time, while the "High Point" was at 7:00 AM UK Time and also in the late evening.

For the best opportunities to buy Special cards at good prices, keep a lookout between 6:00 PM and 10:00 PM. (UK Time)

(Remember: 6PM content releases can impact card values.)

Remember to select the "Sold Prices" button beneath the price box on that applies to your platform to access accurate market sales history data. This step is crucial.

In the image below, you'll notice the "Market Sales History" feature within most player pages on FUTWIZ. This empowers you to review recent sales on Ultimate Team (though only a selection of sales is provided).

This feature helps you observe whether the card indeed sold at the "High Points" as identified in our graph analysis.

Take a look at the example below. Within a 24-hour period, this card was sold at a "Low Point" for 23,500 coins and at its "High Point" for 40,000 coins. After tax, you would receive 38,000 coins. In the second image, even selling for the average price of 27,500 coins after buying at 23,500 coins would generate a profit of 2,625 coins, considering EA Tax – all from just one special card trade. Imagine multiplying this process with 10, 20, 30, or more Specials simultaneously. As your coin balance grows, so does your profit potential!

Keep in mind that these sales are just a small sample. Selling prices can go higher, especially when factoring in the card's chemistry style, which we'll explain next!


With this method, all the challenging work is taken care of for you!
We manage all the time-consuming tasks that demand a speedy internet connection for loading player pages, quick reaction times, and more... Then we streamline the process!

All you need to do is head to our Tier 1 Special Card Chemistry Style Prices section for your platform. Just hover over the Tier 1 Dropdown menu, find your desired player within that page, and voilà! All the crucial data is instantly available to you within milliseconds. You'll immediately recognize a good deal when you're exploring the Ultimate Team market!

FUT Trading Logo

We offer various dedicated sections to help you with Special Card Buy & Sell prices:

Tier 1 Special Card Area & Platform: This section is color-coded (blue or orange) for easy navigation and platform selection.

Tier 2 Fluctuation Area: Keep track of daily card changes across Ultimate Team.

Tier 3 Discord Bots (Extreme Bot) Section: Discover real-time profitable deals across a range of cards in Ultimate Team.

Here are two notable benefits of this method, making Special Card trading remarkably easy for you:

Automatic Updates: Stay informed with regular Twitter announcements and a "Last Updated" menu in each section, ensuring you're always up-to-date with live data.

Effortless Sorting and Filtering: You can sort/filter documents from Low to High and alphabetically. This helps group Special cards and their variations. Plus, you can use the current market price updates and cross-reference them with the (Target Buy Price) for potential deals.

(Please Note: The Buy Prices shown in images are examples and not actual)


There are many small factors you will need to take into consideration to understand Trading with Special cards entirely:

Listing Special cards for 1 hour attracts "lazy buyers" who make quick purchases without considering the value. This strategy allows for a larger number of sales in a short time. However, it's important to be patient when listing Special cards, which is why it's recommended to set a 12-hour listing period. By doing so, you can take advantage of overnight market fluctuations, potentially becoming the cheapest option and maximizing your profit. This approach reduces the need for constant relisting, allowing you to wait for the card to sell in the evening without worry.
The reason for considering the day of the week when purchasing Special cards is that prices tend to be inflated on Fridays and Saturdays due to the ongoing Weekend League. However, on Sundays, there is usually a decline in prices as players sell their Weekend League teams and demand decreases while supply increases. Special cards purchased during this sell-off period have the potential to be held until the following Weekend League when demand rises again. It's important to be aware of the risks, such as market crashes caused by new promotions or the release of alternative versions of the card. Additionally, the introduction of upgraded or more valuable players for the same position can also reduce the demand and value of the special cards you hold.
This is because when new content such as Player SBCs, promos with new cards, or Preview packs are released, there is an increase in supply as users sell their special cards to try out new players. This presents an optimal opportunity to make coins as these cards typically rebound in value due to increased demand and becoming rare if they are no longer in packs. It is important to note that if a specific card receives a new version from the 18:00pm content, it is advisable to avoid any version of that card for at least 24 hours. This allows the market to adjust to the newly issued version and correct the values accordingly.
These Special cards can be difficult to resell because of their rarity. This is often caused by price-fixing or a limited supply due to being used in SBC Solutions. As a result, there is minimal demand initially, leading to a temporary deceptive value until more of these cards enter the market. While it's not necessary to completely avoid these cards, they do carry a higher risk as their price may not reflect their true value if only a few of them are available on the market within a 24-hour period.
Becoming this type of trader is important for success. It takes time and practice to understand how the FIFA market works, even with detailed guides. As we mentioned before, the best times for trading are when the game is most active, which means faster sales. Keep practicing and give it a chance! 🙂
Anticipating the demand for affordable yet highly effective Special cards during the Weekend League can lead to significant profits. These cards, commonly referred to as "META," align well with the game mechanics and are sought after by players. For example, Special cards from the Ligue 1 league with popular nationalities have performed well in the past, as they offer strong chemistry links to commonly used cards in Weekend League teams. Additionally, special cards that provide favourable chemistry links to popular SBCs and Objectives tend to experience a surge in value, as players incorporate them into their teams for the current Weekend League.
Let's say you bought a group of 20 special cards. You successfully sold 16 out of the 20 cards within the first few attempts, but you're unsure what to do with the remaining 4 unsold cards. In this situation, consider the day of the week. If it's during or near the end of the Weekend League, try selling them at a break-even price after accounting for the EA Tax or with minimal loss. If you don't urgently need the coins, you can hold onto the cards and wait for the next wave of demand, although this comes with risks. The losses from the unsold cards should be much smaller compared to the profits you made from the others. Trading in a large quantity of special cards is a key strategy, especially if you aim to quickly build your coin balance. It allows for a greater range of sales at their own pace, maximizing profit potential. Remember to be patient when trading special cards since you're targeting specific users who likely need the card for their team and want a hassle-free experience without applying chemistry styles or waiting for the card's price to drop.
It's crucial to take into account the 5% EA Tax when conducting trades in FIFA Ultimate Team. Electronic Arts (EA) deducts 5% from every sale you make on the transfer market. For instance, if you sell a card for 32,000 coins, the EA Tax would amount to 1,600 coins (5%), resulting in a net gain of 30,400 coins. We provide a Tax Calculator on our premium website section, available for your convenience at any time.
We understand that trying new trading methods or getting used to trading can be overwhelming at first. However, once you have experienced success in a few scenarios, don't hesitate to try trading in larger quantities. Even if you encounter occasional losses on certain cards when buying in bulk, the overall profit will be greater due to increased sales. Listing more cards overnight will inevitably lead to more sales and a higher overall profit. The key to successful special card trading lies in buying as many cards as possible. Ideally, you should have your coins invested in flipping specials rather than keeping them idle, unless there are specific promotions or upcoming content that may impact the market or certain special cards.
Another important factor to consider is the impact of the Weekend League on Special card trading. When purchasing Special cards during the start of the Weekend League, they are often priced higher due to increased demand. However, as the Weekend League progresses and players complete their matches, there is a sell-off of these cards, causing their prices to potentially drop. Users then use the proceeds to upgrade or modify their teams for the next Weekend League. It is beneficial to anticipate the demand for Special cards that have strong links to the latest content and quick flip them during the Weekend League. It is advisable to avoid over-holding these cards, as mentioned earlier.


Something to consider when purchasing special cards that have the "Hunter" or "Shadow" chemistry style is how this can add extra value to your card. These two chemistry styles are usually the most expensive ones in the game, ranging between 2-5k coins each. Many Ultimate Team users prefer to buy players with these chemistry styles pre-applied to avoid the additional cost or effort of applying the chemistry style themselves. The logical idea here is that the demand for special cards with these chemistry styles has increased due to limited supply. As a result, the value of special cards with these chemistry styles can be sold for a slight increase, considering the chemistry style would have cost them 2-5k as mentioned earlier. Also, remember that many people are willing to pay a little extra for convenience, even if it's more than what they would pay for the card and chemistry style separately.

When determining your sell price, consider the supply of special cards with the chemistry style already applied that you purchased. For instance, let's say Bukayo Saka - 84 Rated has around 5 listings on the market with a buy now price between 21.5k-23.5k. You would then look at the lowest buy now price for one with a "Shadow" or "Hunter" chemistry style. Typically, this will be closer to the higher end of that range or slightly above. This allows you to optimize your sale price by an extra 3-5k in many cases, with no extra effort, just patience. This is because when a user wants a Bukayo Saka - 84 Rated with a "Hunter" chemistry style, your card will be the cheapest on the market with that specification, making it the ideal choice for buyers looking to save on the extra work or cost of applying the chemistry style, as mentioned earlier.

Please note: This strategy generally works with chemistry styles valued above 2k, typically Shadow and Hunter only. Also, keep in mind that you're not applying these chemistry styles yourself. You're selling at a premium based on purchases you made with the seller having already applied the chemistry style to their card! This approach requires patience, allowing the cards to fluctuate. To optimize your sales, we recommend using 1-hour duration listings regularly and 12-hour duration listings when offline to achieve the best results. The 1-hour duration listings are likely to attract lazy buyers who make quick purchases without extensive searching.


Below, we've provided some basic filters to help you get started with trading special chemistry style cards! Please keep in mind that there are numerous ways to identify deals on special cards, and it's not just about using a single method to find good deals. Some people may think that after spending just 5 minutes on their first attempt, they should have already found multiple deals, but that's not typically the case. As we mentioned earlier, improving your menu navigation skills takes practice and time.

It can be as straightforward as manually searching for each special card from the document one by one or adding your personal favorite special cards to the watch list when they approach the "Good Buy Price" range, and then waiting for the next price undercut. The filters we're providing below are just a few examples of the many methods used, often with small adjustments throughout each Ultimate Team game cycle. Remember: If you find that there are too many or too few pages of results as you approach the 59th minute, you can fine-tune the values in the pricing tab for "Max. Price" and "Min. Buy Now" to better match your preferences at that moment of search!

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We hope this Trading Guide has been helpful. We have even more features within our service that make building your coin balances even easier.

Best of luck with your trading during FC 24!

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